What is the cost of living for an international student doing master's in the UK?

The cost of living for an international student pursuing a master's degree in the UK can vary depending on several factors such as location, lifestyle, and personal choices. Here's a breakdown of the typical expenses you might encounter:

Key Components of Cost of Living

1.     Accommodation:

    • Rent: This varies significantly by location. In major cities like London, rent can be higher compared to other cities or smaller towns. On average, you might expect to pay between £600 to £1,000+ per month for a room in a shared flat or student accommodation.

    • Utilities: Additional costs include electricity, heating, water, internet, and possibly council tax if not exempt (students are often exempt).

2.     Food:

    • Groceries: Budget around £100 to £200 per month depending on your dietary habits and cooking preferences.

    • Eating Out: Dining out occasionally can add to expenses. A meal at an inexpensive restaurant may cost around £10 to £15.

3.     Transportation:

    • Public Transport: Costs vary, but a monthly travel card for buses and trains in cities like London can range from £60 to £150.

    • Bicycle: Cycling is popular and cost-effective for shorter commutes.

    • Taxi/Uber: For occasional use, costs can vary widely based on distance.

4.     Books and Supplies:

    • Depending on your course, you may need to budget for textbooks, stationery, and other study materials. This can range from £50 to £100+ per academic year.

5.     Healthcare:

    • Health Insurance: As an international student, you may need to pay for health insurance unless you are from a country with a reciprocal healthcare agreement with the UK (e.g., EU countries).

    • Medical Costs: Prescription fees and other medical expenses may apply.

6.     Personal Expenses:

    • This includes clothing, entertainment, mobile phone bills, and other personal items. Budgeting around £100 to £200 per month is reasonable depending on your lifestyle.

Approximate Total Cost

  • Monthly Budget: A rough estimate for a comfortable standard of living for an international student in a city like London could range from £1,200 to £2,000 per month.

  • Annual Total: This translates to approximately £14,400 to £24,000 per year for living expenses.

Additional Considerations

  • Scholarships and Funding: International students should explore scholarships, grants, and funding opportunities which can significantly offset living expenses.

  • Part-time Work: Many students work part-time (up to 20 hours per week during term time and full-time during holidays) to supplement their income, but this should be within visa regulations.

Note: Normally Indian students do not live even this luxuriously. Most of the Indians spent about £1,000 to £1,400 per month in London, and £800 to £1000 per month in other large cities – and much lesser in other smaller locations. However, it is also to be borne in mind that the minimum wages are higher in places where the cost of living is higher.


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